So it’s looking more and more likely that gyms in Melbourne won’t reopen to November/December.

That news is really heartbreaking- the gym for a lot of people is not just the physical workout but also the ability to shake off a bad day by pushing yourself further and trying to get a new record on weights or what have you.

The way it’s going it’s looking very unlikely we’ll be going back this year. It’s frustrating because we’ll see the government make up some exemption for some really bonkers “business”; while we’re waiting to go get fit. And it’s more frustrating because they tell us to keep fit but yet they keep the gyms closed- if you didn’t get your hands on workout equipment when this all started back in March you’re really stuck up the creek without a paddle.

Having said all this, maybe it’s it time to start researching new gyms and use the return as a chance to shake things up. Anyone have any suggestions?

AuthorRobbie Newell

I have to admit I’m very lucky- I have some awesome people in my life and it’s lead to some really meaningful moments in my life.

So today I was talking with one of those awesome people- we shall call him TJ (no not Hooker either LOL)- and somehow we yet again got talking about societal expectations and how they influence particular groups in society. This particular example we got onto- I don’t know how- is the “trope” of gay people chasing after straight guys versus strength guys trying to “convert” lesbians.

It’s certainly an interesting idea when you think about it; after all it’s the same argument but on different sides of the same coin. After all it’s the idea that one group of people seeming to go after something that they cannot have.

To provide context to this discussion I’m (of course) gay while my friend TJ is straight. Interestingly enough it was TJ that suggested the thesis that conversions never work; that even if a straight dude was to have sex with a lesbian they would still be a lesbian. He also contrasted that with the notion that with a gay seducing a guy it would make the “straight” guy merely bisexual.

Now this is an interesting take if you ask me. Society has always conditioned us to believe that females are “the fairer sex” which is slightly misogynistic if you ask me; I mean it’s probably safe to say they are more enlightened then males due to biologically developing earlier then males. But conversely you must also consider the “nature versus nurture” argument; after all there’s a lot of males that are just in touch with their emotions and thoughts and my friend TJ is nothing short of amazing; we’ve had plenty of discussions where I’ve been amazed by his sensitivity and also how accepting he is.

But I digress.

If we are to to look at the nature versus nurture argument, I think that it must be also considered in this particular discussion with the principal that over the evolution of the homo sapien, that males are still hardwired like their “caveman” predecessors to provide food, warmth, shelter etc for the females and this still plays on the psyche of the male species. The hardworking of this “need” I think is still strong to this day.

But this doesn’t take into account that society expects men to be good for nothing more then a quick shag and not in touch with emotions. If we were to track societal changes and growth of the male homo sapien of the years, I’m sure we could track the growth of men and the evolution from a “caveman” type sloth to an individual that’s in touch with their emotions and can process changes to their perceived “norms”.

So, with these important aspects that are relevant to the discussion let’s move back to the original point of gays attempting to seduce the straights and the straights seducing the lesbians.

I think it’s such a complicated issue- I mean after all I’m guilty of it if I’m being honest with you.

I think in this particular circumstance it’s a psychological thing along with societal expectations; after all society expects people to “chase” another in order to put a ring on it. Society expects people to pair up and for the gays it comes down to chasing and obtaining the unobtainable.

I guess I don’t really have an answer but it’s an interesting question at the end of the day- what’s the root cause of this “issue”.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So since we can’t travel what’s the best thing to do?

I discovered the other day the guide books from a lot of places we visited on our trip to the United Kingdom and Greece from 5 years ago- that is 2015!!!!

So I’m going to actually read them- I don’t think I ever did to be honest- and then post my thoughts and memories on here.


AuthorRobbie Newell

With all this time spent in lockdown and being fairly quiet overall, it’s nice to find a piece of literature to escape in.

The “downside” is that I’m actually doing what I like to term comfort reading- that is going back to my favourite authors and genres and rereading them over and over. It’s and because my kindle is so full of books to be read it isn’t funny, but when it’s such strange times and you have trouble concentrating it’s always worth going back to your favourites and escaping in a world where the characters seem like close friends and the world that is on the other is well developed and believable.

Hopefully I can review a few of those novels for everyone as some of them are amazing 5 star reads.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So it happened again- LOL!

The good news is I didn’t have a bad day today- I mean unless you call having sore glutes and feet from doing a lot of exercise a bad day!

But again at work today I ran into two awesome and magnificent people. I mean if this isn’t serendipity what is?

AuthorRobbie Newell

Do you believe in a concept called serendipity?

It’s funny but having had a bad few days recently I think the at such a concept must exist in the greater karmic alignment.

The reason I say it exist is because on the few times I’ve had bad times and I’ve gone into work; the universe has decided to send my way either one or two awesome people I’m glad to have in my life.

It’s funny how it works but if it’s happened more then once surely the concept exists?

AuthorRobbie Newell

Isn’t it “funny” how people still think it’s OK to confuse the fuck out of other people and break your trust in them?

It seem’s it’s like it’s another day and yet another person I know seem to think it’s OK to abuse my trust in them and mess me around. I mean what’s the bloody point in it?

If anyone knows, please let me know.

The only good thing about this shitty situation is it has some unexpected benefits.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So I finally got off my backside (how ironic) and got involved in a Zoom discussion held by the Socialist Alternative.

I’m glad I finally did it. The discussion tonight was about trans liberation and it was quite enlightening; a lot of the points the main talker raised I surprisingly have already been exposed to and naturally I agree with all the points. Hell- even in the discussion after the main topic I surprised myself by making some salient points.

Why I didn’t participate sooner is beyond me. It was quite liberating to discuss ideas in a “safe place” but also to realise that I actually understand the concepts of this train of thought.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So as I write this post the premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, is proposing to extended the deceleration of a state of emergency in this state by another 12 months. While the principal is sound the bigger question is is it the right thing to do?

In theory yes it probably is the right thing to do- fundamentally we don’t know how long the virus will be around for and we went the “authorities” to be able to respond in a way that is strong and is the best course of action for the public.


The details of being in a constant state of emergency is quite troubling and is very anti democratic; frankly if you ask me this is how despots and dictators start; no need to worry about Donald Trump in the United States when we have our own wannabe dictators in Australia!

The biggest problem I have with it is that it consigns powers onto the police minister (currently Lisa Neville) that allows them to veto or override any legislation that is determent to the governments response to the state of emergency. This one power is probably one of the most anti democratic and authoritarian hiding in plain sight! Say what you want, but this is the most dangerous power you could possibly place upon an individual- WHO ISN’T EVEN THE LEADER OF THE STATE OR THEIR POLITICAL PARTY!

As crazy as this hypothetical is I’m about to pose it is all too feasible; what’s stopping her from doing away all pieces of legislation so we end up in a totalitarian society where her word is Gods?

In theory nothing is. And this power is converted into an INDIVIDUAL- never mind an echo chamber of individuals! Handing that much power to an individual is frankly bonkers- I mean it’s bonkers whatever way you look at it but if you at least had it used by some sort of “council” at least you are not at the whim of one person. Yes the problem with a committee is you end up with group think/echo chamber/ whatever you want to call it, but there is in theory at least some sort of check in balance for a potential despot

This leads to another vital point in my opinion- where is the sunset clause? Answer; there isn’t any!

in recent times we’ve seen fairly draconian pieces of legislation enacted by the Federal Government in the name of “national security” (urgh!), but these at the very least have some sort of check and/or balance in them- be they of a judicial or legislative nature. Often these are provided for by a so called “sunset” clause- that is the legislation automatically stops being legislation after a certain time frame .

But where is the sunset clause in Andrews’ 12 month state of emergency deceleration? No where to be seen! No matter what side of the political divide you fall on (most of us are ALP or Liberal Party and this is what I am referring to [apologies to my readers who aren’t!]), this must start ringing alarm bells in your head; after all where is the harm in having a sunset clause which provides a finite end to this situation? There literally isn’t- if the situation is different in a year you address it then or close to the time frame when the declaration is set to expire!

For all the individuals out there saying there is no need to have a sunset clause because the ALP is “above board”- I shall respectfully disagree. They are essentially Liberal Party Lite, on the opposite side of the same coin as the Libs, with just as many dishonesty and morally repugnant behaviour as the Libs. In recent times we’ve had branch stacking by both sides (what a surprise- NOT!). Andrews refusing to answer any questions over the botched hotel quarantine response and my personal favourite Andrews saying he’s done the right thing by “sacking” a minister for homophobic, sexist and foul behaviour despite the fact said minister is known for such behaviour and Andrews in the past saying he’s a good guy!

And let me pose this question; why are you afraid of having checks and balances in place for most “hot topic”pieces of legislation? Checks and balances ensure that democracy itself is safeguarded from being misused!

The opinion is out on how good an extended declaration of state of emergency is going to be in Victoria; at the very least it has the potential of being very dangerous to the state of democracy!

EDIT- 12:12P.M 25 August

So it appears the legislation has been blocked in the upper house of Victoria by the opposition and the cross benches.

And wouldn’t you know? The reason for blocking it is a lack of oversight.

The big question now is what will the Government do to get their way; will their negotiate and allow a sunset clause or other form of oversight to their legislation or will they belittle the members of the Senate for not bowing down and instantly approving?

My gut instinct is that they will complain like they normally do that things didn’t go their way!

AuthorRobbie Newell

So just a short post with a random thought or two.

In this latest lockdown, well more so the last few weeks, for someone reason I’ve just decided to be more more mean and cynical.

And you know what?

It’s actually been fun. It’s been nice not to be nice (with some exceptions), and just be cynical and mean about most people and things recently.

I think I’ll keep it up for a while I think.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So I’m going to stir the pot today and post about what can be a hot topic for people; that is businesses using Pride as a means to show that they are a “woke” business.

It kills me to use the word “woke” as it’s traditionally a word you would associate with right wing nut jobs, but I think it’s very appropriate in this context because it is very apt.

So for those that don’t know, modern Pride has its basis in the Stonewall Riots in New York City in June/July 1969 indeed it was trans women of colour who lit the metaphorical flames of justice. This can also be seen in Australia’s own Mardi Gras with the original group of marchers coming together to protest the police persecution in 1978. While this is only a synopsis and doesn’t take into account the nuances of both situations, it is evidence of the anti police, anti capitalist system of society that we’re currently in.

This is also shown in the action of United Kingdom activists in 1984/1985 when everyone’s “favourite” nutter Margaret Thatcher went after the miners; the Lesbian and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) stood with their comrades to raise money for their working class brethren to survive, none of which Thatcher wanted. Thatcher also went on to introduce the anti gay Section 28 legislation- legislation so disgusting in attempts to straight wash people to confirming to the good old white Christian heteronormative lifestyle. In fact; here’s a quote of that bigoted legislation;

28 Prohibition on promoting homosexuality by teaching or by publishing material.

(1)The following section shall be inserted after section 2 of the M1Local Government Act 1986 (prohibition of political publicity)—

“2AProhibition on promoting homosexuality by teaching or by publishing material.

(1)A local authority shall not—

(a)intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality;

(b)promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship.

(2)Nothing in subsection (1) above shall be taken to prohibit the doing of anything for the purpose of treating or preventing the spread of disease.

(3)In any proceedings in connection with the application of this section a court shall draw such inferences as to the intention of the local authority as may reasonably be drawn from the evidence before it.

(4)In subsection (1)(b) above “maintained school” means,—

(a)in England and Wales, a county school, voluntary school, nursery school or special school, within the meaning of the Education Act 1944; and

(b)in Scotland, a public school, nursery school or special school, within the meaning of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980.”

(2)This section shall come into force at the end of the period of two months beginning with the day on which this Act is passed.


Though I’m slightly digressing, the above quote of the horrible Thatcherite era piece of legislation is prime example of how political “gay rights” has been; that right wing nut jobs think that homosexuality is a “lifestyle choice” is nothing more then a steaming pile of boulderdash and should be condemned for the politcalisation of something that is nothing more then the way people are born.

This leads back to the topic of this post that is the corporatisation of Pride; something which really struck me just recently.

For the first time in about three or four years, I managed to attend the Midsumma Carnival Day this year [2020] in the Alexandra Gardens and it really struck me how many companies are desperate to appear down with the gays.

The biggest issue was the Liberal Party having a stall there- I mean come on, this is the same political party that decided to deign us with the plebiscite vote just to see if we were to be allowed basic human rights (hello old friend protest!) I mean who in their right mind would allow the presence of such crazy people who think it’s OK to vote on peoples civil rights; there’s not enough words in my vocabulary to express the shittyness that was that!

Not surprising they were hidden away ear the back of the stall area was it!

But walking along, hidden among gems such as family planning stalls and the ABC, you had big business such as NAB, Telstra, Australia Post, VicPol (another issue for another blog post!) and it really made me think where’s the support during the year?

The answer is there is no support- they only come out with their Pride modified logos for about a month around the time of Pride, only for it to disappear for another 12 months or when the gays are getting a bashing by some bigoted homophobe! If you were truly LGBT friendly, make Pride a thing that is shown all year around not when it’s the flavour of the month!

At the end of the day, it’s time for people to remember that people like Mark Ashton in the 1980s and all those who fought before us to get our rights and put their money where their mouth is and go back to our roots- it’s time to ban big companies from their token efforts of “supporting” the LGBT community and it’s time to bring the fight back- we must continue to fight for our brothers and sisters and wherever a voice is getting lost, we must be there to support them and yell in one voice we will not be forgotten or be written off- we’re here for the long haul and we will fight to our dying days for a better system and society where we’re all truly equal!

AuthorRobbie Newell

So I won’t deny it- there’s times in this latest lockdown that I struggle to put one foot in front of another. Hell there’s times when I want to do nothing more then cry my eyes out and hope this situation is over ASAP.

And you know what?

That’s ok if you ask me. And I will explain why.

While a lot of us are working from home, there’s still a lot of us having to work. And having to go to work means putting on the work uniform, lacing up our shoes and masks and heading into our places of work. And when we get to work we place a smile on our faces (or not- masks do hide our mouths after all) and pretend that we’re adjusting to the new normal while we weep for the situation we’re in and/or the sheer lack of courtesy we see in the daily covIDIOT report.

And it’s this (lack of) routine that we can use to our advantage- a ugly routine is something that we can use to have structure and purpose in life and if you’re like me it’s something that we’re craving for in these crazy times. So let’s look at it what it is- something that we can use to find a reason and purpose.

As cliched as it sounds it’s also ok not to be ok. The world is crazy even at the best of times and despite the constant lockdowns the heartaches that we go through doesn’t stop- sadly during times of great crises our own personal tragedies and experiences are amplified like a self fulfilling echo chamber; which makes sense because logically when we see sadness going in it has a tendency to amplify other sadness and misery, at least in my mind anyway.

But this all means that we have a duty, if not moral obligation, to check in on others even if it’s just mindless drivel that you end up talking about. After all “normalcy” is all relative and found through the mundane and regular; by keeping the mundane and regularity it’s a cathartic experience in my mind and one that can’t be understated.

I’ve probably diverged a bit and lost my point; which I think is that it’s ok to not be ok and releasing this energy is better then bottling up. So let it joke but don’t be afraid to reach out- fuck the hate and embrace the positive vibes in anyway you can.

Success is all relative to the individual- if all you do is wake up and get out of bed and for you that’s success., then I will celebrate it with you.

Positivity begets positivity if you ask me; celebrate anything you can and the rest will follow.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So we’re in day whatever of this newer lockdown and it seems like the figures seem to be stabilising at a lower level then what it’s been lately.

This is an amazing thing- the death figures are going up (which they say it’s to be expected) but the new cases are stabilising but is it cynical of me to say I’m bracing for a new wave?

I was on the train into work this worker and there’s still soo many people around and also doing the right thing- this one guy (in his 40s I guess) has his shoes off, feet on sweet, with his mask down and mindlessly sticking his fingers in his mouth like it was nothing.

I mean what the beep? That’s so disgusting, I mean let’s be honest ALL of it is disgusting and behaviour like this is all too common. I mean I know we have many people not going to comply but my god it’s still shocking to see how bad it is.

I would like to get back to the gym sometime soon LOL!

AuthorRobbie Newell

First thing first is don’t freak the f$@& out at the title; it’s not as depressing as what your gut instinct is.

What it is is I’m currently at work and it’s dead quiet. Which is what we went but then again it is 10:30 on a Sunday morning in week 2/3 of stage 4 lockdown- so make of it what you want.

The interesting thing is that there’s still people out- well duh- but I doubt any of them are essential workers!

But I guess we’ll see where this takes as- no point second guessing anything is there?

AuthorRobbie Newell

So it’s a new beginning for Melbourne- we’ve implemented a nightly curfew and the imposition of the remainder of stage 4 restrictions is imminent.

Not without time if you ask me! Should have been a long time ago- in my job I have prime viewing of the general Melbourne populist and I can say even with stage 3 people were ignoring it.

Hell, since the announcement on Sunday arvo there’s still far too many people which means I’m highly doubting this stage 4 will work.

Hopefully this time I can try to write more and every day- not that anyone’s reading it but it’s still therapeutic if nothing else. And if anyone is reading this- drop a hello in the comments

AuthorRobbie Newell

So they’ve just released the figures for the last 24 hours of cases in Victoria and it’s just under 300.


I mean yes this figure is really representative of the picture from ten to fourteen days ago, but seriously man what the hell? It’s shockingly high and disgusting- though compared to the last 24 hours in the United States where their figure was 64,000!

I would say the main thing is not to panic but I guess that’s easier said then done isn’t it? And it’s really going to get worse before it gets better- they are hoping it platers our next week!

I guess time will tell won’t it?

AuthorRobbie Newell

So I had to venture out to get some more masks and some safety glasses after listening and researching more of the science surrounding COVID-19. Partially successful- I click and collected the masks but the safety glasses are blah!

Anyway- what’s wrong with people. I take all proper precautions as I use public transport and people still act like they’re invisible; I mean maintain your distance people!

Thankfully I’m on my way home now and this bus trip isn’t too bad- the two other people are rows in front of me (though one of the idiots decided to sit on front of the other!!)- but they’re wearing masks so it’s good people seem to be getting the message.

I think.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So I’ve just woken up and it’s Day 1 of the new six week lockdown.

So where do we stand?

I have no gym again, but here elitist toffs still have their golf- what surprise the government has bowed down to them! I’m still on a few days leave until next Thursday so my day will no doubt be boring AF.

So what’s my plans?


I doubt I’ll be doing any exercise nor will I be achieving my goals I wanted to achieve in this virtual l event I’ve signed up for. I’ll also keep myself to myself and withdraw more; after all it worked last time so no doubt it’ll work again this time.

I’ll try to do an entry on this everyday; I know no one wil read it, but it’ll provide something as an outlet and something to look back on as a moment of reflection during this point of time.

AuthorRobbie Newell