So it’s looking more and more likely that gyms in Melbourne won’t reopen to November/December.

That news is really heartbreaking- the gym for a lot of people is not just the physical workout but also the ability to shake off a bad day by pushing yourself further and trying to get a new record on weights or what have you.

The way it’s going it’s looking very unlikely we’ll be going back this year. It’s frustrating because we’ll see the government make up some exemption for some really bonkers “business”; while we’re waiting to go get fit. And it’s more frustrating because they tell us to keep fit but yet they keep the gyms closed- if you didn’t get your hands on workout equipment when this all started back in March you’re really stuck up the creek without a paddle.

Having said all this, maybe it’s it time to start researching new gyms and use the return as a chance to shake things up. Anyone have any suggestions?

AuthorRobbie Newell