So I’ve just woken up and it’s Day 1 of the new six week lockdown.

So where do we stand?

I have no gym again, but here elitist toffs still have their golf- what surprise the government has bowed down to them! I’m still on a few days leave until next Thursday so my day will no doubt be boring AF.

So what’s my plans?


I doubt I’ll be doing any exercise nor will I be achieving my goals I wanted to achieve in this virtual l event I’ve signed up for. I’ll also keep myself to myself and withdraw more; after all it worked last time so no doubt it’ll work again this time.

I’ll try to do an entry on this everyday; I know no one wil read it, but it’ll provide something as an outlet and something to look back on as a moment of reflection during this point of time.

AuthorRobbie Newell