So I won’t deny it- there’s times in this latest lockdown that I struggle to put one foot in front of another. Hell there’s times when I want to do nothing more then cry my eyes out and hope this situation is over ASAP.

And you know what?

That’s ok if you ask me. And I will explain why.

While a lot of us are working from home, there’s still a lot of us having to work. And having to go to work means putting on the work uniform, lacing up our shoes and masks and heading into our places of work. And when we get to work we place a smile on our faces (or not- masks do hide our mouths after all) and pretend that we’re adjusting to the new normal while we weep for the situation we’re in and/or the sheer lack of courtesy we see in the daily covIDIOT report.

And it’s this (lack of) routine that we can use to our advantage- a ugly routine is something that we can use to have structure and purpose in life and if you’re like me it’s something that we’re craving for in these crazy times. So let’s look at it what it is- something that we can use to find a reason and purpose.

As cliched as it sounds it’s also ok not to be ok. The world is crazy even at the best of times and despite the constant lockdowns the heartaches that we go through doesn’t stop- sadly during times of great crises our own personal tragedies and experiences are amplified like a self fulfilling echo chamber; which makes sense because logically when we see sadness going in it has a tendency to amplify other sadness and misery, at least in my mind anyway.

But this all means that we have a duty, if not moral obligation, to check in on others even if it’s just mindless drivel that you end up talking about. After all “normalcy” is all relative and found through the mundane and regular; by keeping the mundane and regularity it’s a cathartic experience in my mind and one that can’t be understated.

I’ve probably diverged a bit and lost my point; which I think is that it’s ok to not be ok and releasing this energy is better then bottling up. So let it joke but don’t be afraid to reach out- fuck the hate and embrace the positive vibes in anyway you can.

Success is all relative to the individual- if all you do is wake up and get out of bed and for you that’s success., then I will celebrate it with you.

Positivity begets positivity if you ask me; celebrate anything you can and the rest will follow.

AuthorRobbie Newell