I was speaking to a work colleague before and it got me thinking- overall I have been positive lately but the conversation made me ponder about it.
We all like to think we’re the heroes in our own stories but have we ever truly thought that if we were to flip that idea that we are also someone’s enemy in their story?
We all like to think we are fundamentally the best people we can be and look after each other- and i think that that is also true; at the basic core of us is the need to do right and be kind and considerate of others. But what about the opportunities that in our lives that, for whatever reason, we come across as the enemy in someone else’s story?
We all have stories to tell about how we’ve encountered toxic people in our life or people who we thought were our friends but ended up hurting us through some reason or another. But in this case what have we done to deserve it? Is it because we hurt throw through or conscious or subconscious actions? Again the result is the same; that for whatever reason we have hurt or been hurt and have become the enemy in someone else’s story.
This post doesn’t have have a point per se- more so the pondering that if we were to rationally think about it, we’ve all both done wrong and been done wrong by someone in our live.
Makes you wonder really- all comes down to perspective i guess.