I know I’m not the only one in this position, but the most frustrating thing about this whole COVID-19 thing is this feeling that everything is doomed and I have no control and that the usual coping mechanisms aren’t worth shite.

I’m writing this in bed, trying to go to sleep for a 0500 alarm for a 0700 sign on at work and I just feel the need to get these words out in he world somehow, so I have decided to do just that.

The only things I can’t think of to write is the positive things I’ve got going for in my life and it’s funny but these things aren’t necessarily the same positive things I had at the start of the year, but yet it doesn’t actually surprise me as earlier in the year I had a gut feeling something was going to change and it has- that thing is me and I’m happy for the change.

Now, I’ll only be brief as I would like to go to bed but the biggest hint is friendships. On the one hand I’ve decided to withdraw and distance myself from certain people, but on the other a strong friendship has developed and I’ve learnt a lot about myself and the other individual; I’m a writer so I love hearing about people and their stories. After all we can all learn from each other and there’s a reason why we’ve been given two ears- to listen with!

I’ll have to do another post explaining it more, but the short version is it’s certainly interesting how this COVID situation is changing people and myself. The big question is am I happy with those changes?

AuthorRobbie Newell