Melbourne is the home of coffee aficionados- or so they so- so what do you do when you don’t drink coffee? You hunt down the next ever thing- hot chocolate!

Working in the city has allowed me to try a few different places for hot chocolate and somehow I got introduced to Cup of Truth- I think by my friend TJ.

I’m grateful that he did that’s for certain!

I’m by no means a coffee expert, but in my opinion for a place to attract and retain customers it not only has to to offer a good product but it also has to have a so called “wow” factor that makes people keep coming back.

And for Cup of Truth, it’s the human wow factor that is the reason why I keep returning.

On my first visit there with my friend, he was welcomed back with wide opens but at the same time I also felt very welcomed; it has this feeling that the people there care about you; in the short time you’re waiting for your refreshing beverage you’re engaged in witty and insightful banter, that’s also extremely genuine.

On my subsequent visits there, I’ve been welcomed back with open arms- solid banter by fantastic people with an awesome experience and fantastic hot chocolate.

It would be be hard enough running any form of hospitality business in this lockdown environment; even more so in the location where Cup of Truth is (Campbell Arcade). A thoroughfare that’s normally busy with commuters in the peak and tourists off peak, now it’s one of the few businesses that are still open there trying to make some money.

When things get back to “normal” I do recommend going to Cup of Truth; a fantastic business where you will feel like it’s a second home.

AuthorRobbie Newell