So it’s another Saturday and soon I’ll be off to work for yet another day of hopefully doing nothing.

Sadly it seems like it could be bonkers because they’re predicating more protests in the city (to the surprise of no one!)

So with the potential threat of bonkers, I thought i would post some music/YouTube clips on here of some music that I’ve been really getting into lately.


A funky upbeat pop beat from Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Doing what they do best, a group of British artists performing a cover of Don’t Stop in tribute to NHS Workers

The next two are the same song, with one acoustic and one studio recording- that’s how much I love this version of Defying Gravity

AuthorRobbie Newell

So yet another Saturday in lockdown and potentially more doom and gloom. I won’t lie I have been struggling but haven’t we all?

So to cheer all us up here’s some Saturday Sillyness for you- a video of me doing the giant slide in the London Olympic Park back in 2018.

This was a highlight of mine- along with catching up with two awesome and beautiful people.

Viva Life!

AuthorRobbie Newell

So it’s the end of Day 2 in lockdown 5.0 so what are my thoughts?

God only knows.

With there being 19 new cases in Victoria today, it’s hard to see the lockdown ending Tuesday night- not going to lie.

But time will only tell- the figures for the next few days will be the key to it (well duh!), so there’s no point trying to figure out what’s going to happen

Life will continue marching forward so we shall see where it takes is.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So yet again we find ourselves yet again in lockdown- the third for the year and the fifth in around 18 months!

A useful image from Nine News- on the last lockdown the words that got off were “restrictions ongoing”

A useful image from Nine News- on the last lockdown the words that got off were “restrictions ongoing”

I know I remember saying or writing after the last lockdown that I don’t know if I could survive another lockdown and truth be told that still applies; and no doubt applies to a lot of people! After all, just looking at the graphic I posted above, you can see that while the biggest chunk of time was in Victorians’ second lockdown, the cumulative effort of the lockdowns add up- in the roughly 18 month period, we’ve only had six months of some sort of “normal” life experience.

What annoys me is that tonight- Friday the 16th July 2021- I was supposed to go on a second date with this awesome and amazing individual! So, as you can tell, I’m not happy Jan!

What also annoys me is that all of these lockdowns (ignoring the second wave one), has it’s origins in the same beginnings i.e. either breaches of hotel “quarantine” or people doing the wrong thing yet again (like in this lockdown!)

It is literally frustrating that the roll of the die is always in progress yet the results are literally still coming up the same way- authorities don’t enforce the rules or refuse to act to change things and it’s the collective of us individuals where we have to go on hold again!

Why wasn’t the border with New South Wales closed down at least a week ago, or probably two? I have my own theories on that, maybe slight crack pot I’m not going to lie, but we’ve always done this- say what you want about the incompetent “Premier” of NSW, but they’ve always been quick to deny Victorians access when anything goes wrong- why can’t we do that? Especially since its a variant that is been shown to be so dangerous'; as Norman Swann from the ABC has said time after time it’s better to go in early and hard and seek forgiveness later- after all if this works this will “only” be for five days but I would say it won’t!

Time will tell no doubt (duh!) what will happen- I still have to work and I will continue to do my best to post on a daily basis.

Take care of each other!


AuthorRobbie Newell

So it’s time for the first netball game I’ve been to all year- Round 10 of the Super Netball- against the Sydney Swifts.

The atmosphere is electric, I am pumped and the girls are going to kick butt.


AuthorRobbie Newell

I suppose it’s fair enough to say that we all hate Sundays’ isn’t it? I mean if you’re lucky enough to work a Monday-Friday job it’s the end of your relaxing weekend (unless the Monday is a public/bank holiday!) and if you’re a rotating shift worker like I am, it’s just another day in your rotation (for me this is day 4 of 9).

Anyway so I did a workout this morning at the gym and it wasn’t too bad all things considered; reasonable effort after being lazy for four weeks as well as seeing a gym buddy who is almost as bad me but in the good sense; after all we’re both nice people just slightly the good kind of  cray cray!

Anyway I received an email this afternoon from this program I am part of through my health insurance- obviously see the attached picture below!

The email from AIA Vitality

The email from AIA Vitality

For some reason this sort of upset me because with all the gym workouts etc.; it’s been a good way to motivate me to reach my targets, well at least to the extent that on my lazy days  it’s a good kick up the backside! So why has this affected me so?

God only knows, truth be told.

But, after having a few moments and an immoral offer made, I have come to the following conclusions:

  • The yearly target is (obviously a yearly target) and I have reached it within six months; after all isn’t this a good thing that I’ve achieved it in less time?

  • As this is the first year I’ve been a part of this program, this is now going to be a benchmark for me to reach. Now I know I’ve achieved it in about six months (roughly), when the targets reset at the end of this membership year, how fast will I achieve the target in year two?

  • This target was achieved despite two lockdowns; one of around four weeks and the other five days. Even allowing for the ignoring of the five day lockdown. The fact that despite these impediments I still achieved this goal is again a positive thing.

Why it upsets me so I cannot say- truth be told probably because it makes it harder to achieve points to get another shopping voucher. At the end of the day isn’t a challenge a good thing- especially when trying to achieve your fitness goals?

AuthorRobbie Newell

So now that I’ve returned to the gym, the big question is how did I go?

Despite not having done much exercise in this latest lockdown I don’t think I did too badly considered which is good. I mean baby steps is the way to go.

The interesting thing is a person who works there made me such a kind and generous offer that, for once, it literally left my speechless.

So this person I have to say is probably the best person who works there and is a genuinely nice individual- I mean most people there are nice, don’t get me wrong- but this gentleman is just… well let’s go with awesome. Anyway, I got talking with them and we caught up on the news- it was nice to hear his good news, because it’s always great to hear good news and his genuine reaction is actually contagious- in these days when there’s so much hate it’s nice to see the positivity.


The topic of conversation soon got talking about fitness and how he’s planning on doing some marathons and how I’m determined to kick arse doing the Stadium Stomp; which has been rescheduled yet again for October at the MCG. Out of the blu, he made the generous offer to not only help me with tips on my training on doing it, but if the dates work, he’s even offered to take part with me!

I don’t care what anyway says; that’s the offer of a true person right that. It literally left me both gobsmacked and speechless at the same time- which hasn’t happened in god knows how long!

I guess the moral of the story is that people are genuinely good individuals and can surprise you when they least expect it.

To the person who’s made the offer- thanks very much and you’re a top individual!!

Not the actual Stadium Stomp but this would be an amazing place train!

Not the actual Stadium Stomp but this would be an amazing place train!

AuthorRobbie Newell

So I guess it’s safe to say that despite the official “end” of lockdown 4.0 here in Melbourne; I think we’re all suffering from a degree of lockdown lethargy to some extent.

You can’t blame society as a whole; I mean simple put this is Melbourne’s fourth major lockdown in the space of just over a year, all of varying lengths, and all bar one really, in my mind, have their route causes as the same- i.e. failures in “hotel quarantine’.

The reason I use quotation marks when referring to is is because it’s such a dichotomy that the process itself can’t simple exist because it’s flawed so badly that in my mind it’s a fallacy.

For example- unless a hotel and it’s room is some sort of creation from the mind of Stanley Kubrick, a hotel that has no negative pressure rooms (all of them? I’m open to correction though!); is destined to not only not contain any various forms of airborne transmission of viruses et al; but it’s fundamentally predicated that all it WILL do is just either do nothing to stop the spread (best case) or worst case it’ll cause the mass transmission of a virus or whatever that society knows little about.

In the space of a year, the science has evolved and grown with the knowledge of COVID-19 as it should be; people like to argue when advice changes it is proof that science has no idea what its doing but its the opposite; if science DIDN’T know what it was doing the advice would remain the same- hell if science didn’t evolve and grow we wouldn’t have some of the modern medicines we have nor the discovery in other branches of science!

Where we stand today isn’t where we stood a year ago; our knowledge has grown and evolved. But where we fail- at least in Australia- is the fact that we still insist on people quarantining in a place that’s literally not fit for purpose.

Back in the “good old days” in Victoria we had the Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital- which only closed in 1996! Amongst other things seen it its lifetime, Fairfield saw victims of the “Spanish” Flu (really the American flu as it has since been found to have started in Kansas!), the effects of the Polio outbreak and also sadly the HIV/AIDS crisis(!) The point of this, is when Fairfield was closed in 1996 by the “delightful” then-Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett; it was the last remaining stand alone building designed for infectious diseases, with elsewhere functions being taken “inhouse” into hospitals etc.

Now, while in hindsight it’s probably safe to say that Fairfield probably wouldn’t cope with the sheer number of victims, it would have at least been a good starting point in housing returning travellers and/or local sufferers of COVID-19! While this was happening, we could have got off our backsides and started building much larger facilities in places where the potential for leakage to occur; instead we’re 14 months on and having the same basic arguments over the $$$$.

It’s this repetitive argument that is dragging us all down- just get on with it!

AuthorRobbie Newell

So it’s time to take my little blog to the next stage.

In the coming days and weeks I’m going to be creating a Facebook for my site and post updates through there; I’ll invite people I know and if you want an invite feel free to email this page at the following email:

robbies rambling at gmail DOT cOm

Obviously it’s all the usual format, just trying to avoid the data spammers here

So that’s the admin done and dusted, now it’s time to build and grow my work :D

AuthorRobbie Newell
My new toy- the massage gun.

My new toy- the massage gun.

So this lockdown sadly I’ve been on a bit of a spending spree and one of my purchases is the above pictured massage gun.

It seems like in the last couple of months and years massage guns seem to be taking the world by storm and while it seems like I’ve jumped on the bandwagon (possibly?) I decided to purchase one in order to aid my recover when working out.

So what’s my thoughts?

I’m still trying to work it out but I must say from what I’ve used of it so far, I can certainly see the advantages of using it. So far I’ve only used one of the seven heads which seems to be quite effective. I’ve done it on both the lower speeds and me being me the fastest speed as well! I have to admit on level 30 (the top speed) it does sound like an attempted weapon or even a screwdriver (no dirty comments I thank you!).

Tonight I also attempted the spine/neck attachment- which is essentially like a Y attachment but with the top of the Y in a straight configuration and not on an angle. It was surprisingly quite comfy- obviously trying to use it on ones own back was slightly awkward and I got some assistance to do it. As per the above experience I tried on both the lower and highest speeds and quite comfy.

I”m looking forward to using it more; especially when doing my Stadium Stomp training. After all anything that can aid in ones recovery can only help yes?

The seven different attachments!

The seven different attachments!

AuthorRobbie Newell

So today was a somewhat typical winter in Melbourne say- cold, dark and all around miserable sort of day.

In somewhat “good” news in today’s morning presser (press conference) from the Victorian state government, it was announced that the lockdown will end as per the new schedule with a gradual decrease in restrictions.

One of the most pointless ones is the limit to how far you can go from home- with it now being 25km and for whatever reason. I mean yes the loosening does make sense but the 25km to me does not; after all a lot of peoples 25kms are going to overlap so that if there’s another outbreak then it’s still going to spread like hot cakes!

Another thing I don’t like is the gyms still being closed. I mean with hospitality being reopen why not the gyms? I mean working is good for mental and physical health according to these same “authorities”, but yet it’s still a hotspot? Please! I will be honest and say while I did complain about my gym; if I’m being perfectly honest I’ll also admit that when they did do the additional cleaning I felt perfectly safe. In addition they also took your temperature on arrival and won’t afraid to deny entry if you were in the red zone- which is more much then what a lot of other places do that’s for certain!

I understand the need to be cautious but there also needs to be some sort of logic to it; while I’m by no means pro-business, you have to look at what makes people up and it’s the people. I am lucky and have worked all the way through all four lockdowns, but what about some of the awesome people that work at my gym (like the awesome receptionist for example.) How are they to survive live if their places of business are always in a state of limbo- I bet a lot of those people aren’t eligible for the emergency disaster payment or whatever the $500 conditional payment is from the federal government.

This is only going to keep on happening until mass vaccination occurs and that seems very unlikely anytime soon!

Here’s some pictures from out and about.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So today was day twelve of the latest lockdown and again nothing much happened.

Was quiet at work and not much to report- usual amount of idiots but was also fairly quiet all things considered.

AuthorRobbie Newell

So it’s just gone 11:00 P.M here in good old Melbourne town and I’m feeling a wee bit down.

Why you might ask?

Hard to say if truth be told. I mean I think it’s safe to say we’re all suffering from mental fatigue as we’re in lockdown 4.0 but I guess for me it’s just not that if truth be told.

So what is it you may ask?

That’s the thing though-how can one explain something in terms where it’s so hard to properly define because one can’t put a name to it?

If I’m being honest I would probably say I’m sick of seeing people happy. Read as written that’s is probably as horrible as it is to write but it’s also the truth? I mean in my core I am happy for people to be happy, but conversely it’s annoying because I’m sick of being unhappy.

Despite saying all that, I am not unhappy as such. It’s more like indifference at this point because I just want to know when will I be happy? When will I achieve some of that happiness for myself and the cliched achievement that societal expectations expects from all of us?

Combined that with the fact that what really grinds my gears (thank you Peter Griffin!) is when people’s happiness turns them into massive douche canoes of the highest orders. I mean human nature dictates in my mind that people are constantly evolving based on their life experience, but when these changes change individuals to the point you hardly know them, how is that even a good thing?

I’m probably not making sense but that’s where it’s out.

Stay safe.

AuthorRobbie Newell