So now that I’ve returned to the gym, the big question is how did I go?
Despite not having done much exercise in this latest lockdown I don’t think I did too badly considered which is good. I mean baby steps is the way to go.
The interesting thing is a person who works there made me such a kind and generous offer that, for once, it literally left my speechless.
So this person I have to say is probably the best person who works there and is a genuinely nice individual- I mean most people there are nice, don’t get me wrong- but this gentleman is just… well let’s go with awesome. Anyway, I got talking with them and we caught up on the news- it was nice to hear his good news, because it’s always great to hear good news and his genuine reaction is actually contagious- in these days when there’s so much hate it’s nice to see the positivity.
The topic of conversation soon got talking about fitness and how he’s planning on doing some marathons and how I’m determined to kick arse doing the Stadium Stomp; which has been rescheduled yet again for October at the MCG. Out of the blu, he made the generous offer to not only help me with tips on my training on doing it, but if the dates work, he’s even offered to take part with me!
I don’t care what anyway says; that’s the offer of a true person right that. It literally left me both gobsmacked and speechless at the same time- which hasn’t happened in god knows how long!
I guess the moral of the story is that people are genuinely good individuals and can surprise you when they least expect it.
To the person who’s made the offer- thanks very much and you’re a top individual!!
Not the actual Stadium Stomp but this would be an amazing place train!