So this lockdown sadly I’ve been on a bit of a spending spree and one of my purchases is the above pictured massage gun.
It seems like in the last couple of months and years massage guns seem to be taking the world by storm and while it seems like I’ve jumped on the bandwagon (possibly?) I decided to purchase one in order to aid my recover when working out.
So what’s my thoughts?
I’m still trying to work it out but I must say from what I’ve used of it so far, I can certainly see the advantages of using it. So far I’ve only used one of the seven heads which seems to be quite effective. I’ve done it on both the lower speeds and me being me the fastest speed as well! I have to admit on level 30 (the top speed) it does sound like an attempted weapon or even a screwdriver (no dirty comments I thank you!).
Tonight I also attempted the spine/neck attachment- which is essentially like a Y attachment but with the top of the Y in a straight configuration and not on an angle. It was surprisingly quite comfy- obviously trying to use it on ones own back was slightly awkward and I got some assistance to do it. As per the above experience I tried on both the lower and highest speeds and quite comfy.
I”m looking forward to using it more; especially when doing my Stadium Stomp training. After all anything that can aid in ones recovery can only help yes?