Now it’s not too bad before y’all panic, but why is it that you tend to get bad news all around the same time?

The short version is in the dowse of 24 hours I’ve been rejected from a job I’ve applied for internally, as well as due to the “realignment” of business needs, am no longer required at my volunteer position.

Now to put things in perspective, I was volunteering there for about six years or so while obviously I have a job (been here for just under five years); so with the environment that we’re currently in I still have a job and six years in a volunteer position is a good innings really.

Having said that, it still does hurt just a wee bit.

Volunteer Position

Without going into too much detail, the position was based in country Victoria. And Covid-19 has changed things no doubt about it; so it’s not like I am overly surprised.

At the end of the day shit happens and I made some good friends there; hopefully I can see them again in the future.

Internal Position

As soon as I did the interview, I knew I did bad. Admittedly I knew I did wrong in one particular question, but afterwards (and to be brutally frank during it) I just had a feeling that I was doing bad, which is a feeling I never get during interviews.

Nerves sure, but never this feeling of “oh shit I have no idea what I’m saying and I’m a mega douche canoe of the highest order!”

So it’s been a bit of a sucky moment or moments lately with these pieces of news and not being able to go to the gym (which was a real life saver for me!)

But I have this blog to focus on and I’ll continue to work on it.


AuthorRobbie Newell