So the answer to the question everyone has been asking has been provided and not surprisingly the answer is we’ll remain in lockdown for another seven days.

To be blunt, this was always the way it was going to go because things weren’t “improving” and in my movements as an essential worker you still see plenty of people doing the wrong thing- hell I had an encounter yesterday (Tuesday) at work and I just wanted to shake my head in amazement at the sheer…. well I guess arrogance and stupidity would be the words I’m looking for- at the individuals blatantly disregarding the health directives.

What really and truly “amazes” me is that this is the second year of a global pandemic and people are still acting like the world revolves around them. I mean I’m sure we’re all guilty of some form of fatigue and psychologically it makes sense. But as I have said and continue to say if we look at the fundamental basics of a lot of the advice the health authorities we abide by it because we are respectful of other people- when people ignore the rules in my view it’s proof that they’re inconsiderate of other people.

Covid-19 and the response by society can be considered a test of the humanity of us as individuals and the question that is hard to answer is have we passed? Now we’re in the next phase of the pandemic we’re also encountering vaccine nationalism (to the surprise of no one really) which just adds to the entire cluster fuck of the situation (as a whole anyway). Have/can we pass?

That’s the million dollar question really.

The answer to this question is debatable and can be argued in all permutations until the cows come home really- and I could literally write a treatise on it!

But what do I know?

I know that at the end of the day of the following:

  • I’m lucky that I know some awesome people (Hi Debs!!!)

  • People are fundamentally good- despite the bad stuff that people can do

  • People are strange and contradictory- I know two people in similar situations and while one of them haven’t changed, the other has turned into an idiot who I swear needs a good kick in the clacker.

We need to just take each day as it comes and support each other.

Silence in the streets- an eery Melbourne street that’s usually hustling and bustling even at 6:30 in the morning.

Silence in the streets- an eery Melbourne street that’s usually hustling and bustling even at 6:30 in the morning.

AuthorRobbie Newell