So I’ve decided to be more grateful in life.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately- well more then usual to be frank- and I’ve been asking myself what can I do to be a better person. And I’ve come to the conclusion that to appreciate both myself and what I have, I need to embrace gratefulness .

You’re probably wondering how I am going to do that and I agree- it was something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on while, paradoxically, the thought was percolating around in my head.

So I asked a person who I consider to be a friend to help me and (truth be told) he agreed which I will forever be appreciative of.

So what’s this idea you’re asking yourself?

Each day or when I see this person he will ask me to say one thing I’m grateful for. Verbalising this will help get my gratefulness out in the ether and hopefully should help me visualise positiveness a bit more easier so I can embrace being the better person .

AuthorRobbie Newell