So it’s my first week back at work- i returned on Sunday 22 December- and so far it hasn’t been too bad.

Admittedly it helps having Christmas day off, but also not surprisingly I have had frequent shift changes which I think has helped; in the sense that I’m easing my way into it.

So far- apart from the last two night’s worth of insomnia!- my body has been handling it well as has my mind, but that’s probably due to the fact that I had a shift in the office all to myself and I didn’t have to talk to my colleagues; instead I could concentrate on serving people when I needed to and be content with my thoughts when I had no one to assist.

Hopefully tonight I can get some sleep- I feel totally buggered! And with tomorrow being a bit of a long day- up at 0900 then off to gym for a PT session followed by yet another shift that’s been extended- I could need all the energy I can get!

AuthorRobbie Newell