I must start this review with a confession- I have seen this movie 4 times so far (as of 14th June), in both 2D and 3D, as well as on the IMAX screen and standard sized theatre screens. All of this would indicate that I thoroughly enjoy this movie- which hands down I do. But it has made me think of some very interesting points.

Before I go any further I must use the words of one River Song and provide the following warning "spoilers sweetie!"

One of many movie posters for Into Darkness

While I'm by no means an expert Trekker (unlike many others out there), I have noticed that despite J.J. Abrams' stating that he doesn't want to tired to the original Trek lore (as evident with no numeral in the title of this movie), I contend that either intentionally or unintentionally Abrams is actually following in the path of the original movie series

For example, in Star Trek II: The Wraith of Khan, according to Wikipedia (yes, I know not a scientifically accurate website, but hey a remarkable well informed starting point for matters such as this) not only do we see the distraction of the Enterprise, but we also see the passing of our beloved Vulcan-Human Spock. Compare this to Darkness, where not only do we see Kirk heroically "die" saving the Enterprise from a near fatal re-entry to the earth's atmosphere, but we also essentially see the destruction of the Enterprise from it's visually stunning encounter with a psychopathic Starfleet admiral, then the notorious Khan. 

(L-R) Spok, Khan and Kirk.

Speaking of Khan, do I really need to mention the obvious connection between the two films? Don't get me wrong- Cumberbatch was brilliant in his performance and he has a stage presence which is enjoyable (his voice is deliciously evil I must admit), but the fact that the second movies in both series has me asking some questions.

Is there a reason for this, or is it just one big homage to the original series? After all, the nod to Christine Chapel was a nice reference to fans (one that I had to look up, despite the fact it did ring some bells in my head).

Apart from those two connections, what else can I say about this movie?

Not much- except to say that personally, I found it a brilliant movie with an interesting plot, brilliant acting from the cast and the effects amazing as per normal.

I shall end this review by mentioning something Marc Fennel mentioned in his discussion about this movie on The Spoiler Guys podcast- what is up with the camera angles facing towards the actors faces? You very rarely see their tummies.

Until next time  
AuthorRobbie Newell