Well I've just brought a Google/Asus Nexus7 and after a rocky start I have to say that I'm glad in purchased it.

Why did I purchase one you may ask? Well the first reason is that when I was visiting a friend the other day he showed me his and got my hooked. While I do have an iPhone and an iPod touch, I'm by no means a fan boy.  But playing with the Nexus7 the other day showed me how simply awesome it is. Very user friendly to use and not to mention how was it is to have apps anywhere on the home screen.

Secondly, I'm a writer. Admittedly I haven't written much lately because of the work situation , but I still am one. So the fact is having a tablet to write and essentially go paperless was a second factor.

The third factor is frankly just good timing. Working for a major corporations allows me a staff discount card. And I discovered that a technology company was having a staff sale which made me save  $35, which is quite a saving.

Hopefully this shall help me to write more. For example I can easily take my Nexus7 when I go to the movies and jot down notes afterwards before then writing up a review. Alternatively I can do the skeleton of the review immediately afterwards before fleshing it out on my laptop.

As mentioned earlier, I'm not a fan boy in terms of one company or another;  I'm a fan of awesomeness and easy to use. And so far the Nexus7 is proving to be a worthwhile investment- hell even the autocorrect on here is much better then on the iPhone.

Anyway it's now three days later and I'm still enjoying it. I've watched the latest episode of doctor who on here and it was a perfect fit for the 7 inch screen.

In summary its a handy little tablet. The only real downside is that its only  available in a WiFi only model; though there are rumours a cellular one is imminent. Though with the availability of WiFi- both free and paid in major areas its only a minor drawback. 

AuthorRobbie Newell