As a reader, the above image is for me so very very accurate- I hestiate to DNF a book under ANY circumstances.
The problem is how long do you give a book before you DNF it?
I was reading a novel the other day on my Kindle using my Kindle Unlimited program- thankfully it means I didn’t waste any more purchasing the book! At the star tthe book seemed like it was going to be up my alley but then I got hints of small (or what iassume would grow to be major) things in the novel that didn’t sit quite right with me.
I try to read new things- after all we all have our own prefered genres and sometimes it’s good to shake things up (otherwise how do you find new things?). But conversley how do you know when it doesn’t sit with you?
For me, this novel and the things I felt uncomfortable with were very odd- on the one hand I did feel uncomfortable which is good because you need to shake things up, but on the other hand I could feel myself being drawn in and feeling strong emotions towards the character.
In the end I DNF it; could possibly say with a heavy heart. But when do YOU know it’s time to DNF a book, an article, a show etc?