Title: Breaking Through the Past
Series: Espen Jetties Book 3
Author: Haven Hadley
Pages: 235
Formats: Reviewed on eBook
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Acknowledgment: Thanks to Gay Romance Reviews for providing an ARC.
I have to acknowledge I have skipped the second book in the series, and read the first one a little over a year ago.
Breaking Through the Past finds one of the D-Men for the Jetties- in this case Jansen- recently dumped by his girlfriend and longing for more- more connections, more anything- like what some of his teammates.
In enters Stephen- the father of the above mentioned ex- and also recently dumped by his ex-partner (in this case a man)
In what slowly starts as a friendship due to mutual loneliness, we soon find Jansen falling for Stephen despite the fact there’s a age difference and Stephen is also father of his ex.
Breaking Through is a nice slow burn which doesn’t really have too much unexpected nastiness to it- yes there’s the traditional third act “break up”, but there is a logic too it. Additionally, the secondary characters are also nicely well developed.
This is a fun, dependable read if you’re not looking for any sudden nastiness