
I was browsing through the Dreamspinner Press website and I came across this novel and I was slightly skeptical as to if I should buy it or not- after all I love my weepy M/M romances, but this one I wasn't too sure.

In the end I did- and brought the sequel at the sometime- hoping on the off chance that I would get hooked on it.

And I did.

The story line revolves around Liam who has promised his late best friend Alex that he would spread his ashes on the Isle of Wight and Sam; who quickly develop a "holiday romance" that's not quite a holiday romance. They fall in love quite fast- so fast that it almost made me think "are you shitting me?!?!"

But to Sue Browns' credit; I kept on reading and she used the cliched holiday romance and turned it on its head by making the "fall in love quick and deep" as part of Sam's trait; with which his entire family gives him shit for it.

The entire novel revolves around their romance; but yet it doesn't forget why Liam is on the Isle of Wight in the first place. This subplot is dealt with gently and respectfully while silently tugging on your heat strings.

Rating: 4 stars

AuthorRobbie Newell