Well I'm currently waiting outside The Palace Theatre in the West End and I suppose I should say a few words about part 1 shouldn't I?

The big question is where to begin? After all we have all read the play, so we know what the plot is.

With this in mind, I shall concentrate on the performances and art direction.  

Firstly- WOW! I am thoroughly imoressed by both the performance of the actors and how the direct has decided to stage this performance.  

The easiest way to describe this is to call it an interpretation involving a lot of movement.  While the actors do the traditional monologue and addressing each other a la any bog standard media, where it differs is the scene transitions.  

A lot of the transitions are "fluid" in the sense that the troop members are moving more like dancers (well duh!), and incorporates that when they are transitioning pieces of the set. 

Secondly it's the music.  The soundtrack suite (so far) is amazing and impacts on the emotions of the scenes without being intruding- how it should be. 

I shall review Part 2 later

AuthorRobbie Newell