Society has taught and indoctrinated into us the believe that unless people fit exactly into a box or archetype there's someone wrong with them.  In turn this leads others to judge them unfit and strange because they don't adhere to society's expectations.

Forgive me,  but what a load of shit if I've ever heard in my life.

Firstly let's look at certain type of labels that society deems we must be categorised into.  Some examples (not limited to these of course) are:

*bi sexual
*generation [x, y, baby boomers,  etc]

Admittedly most of these examples are related to sexuality and society's expectations that we must fall into one of these boxes.  But one can't disagree with the fact it's sexuality and the hetronormarative of society which causes the real fuck ups.

A good example is Chelsea Manning.  While we all know about her case,  the v response to her identification as a female borders on the offensive. With some media outlets still referring to her as Bradley,  they're also ignoring her attempts to find her own true identity.

It's our inalienable right to identify with whatever we want to be- not me,  our parents or even (God forbid) Tony Abbott- can tell us or force us to identify with what they want us to identify with.

If we don't have our own identity- free of labels and societal expectations- our we even bring true to ourselves?

AuthorRobbie Newell