So no real surprise to report, but I’ve had a minor “setback” on my path to recovery.
The next stage in this- what seems like never ending- process was to reduce the tablet that I was taking from a full tablet to half a tablet.
A resonable step forward going forward you would think oui?
However, it wasn’t meant to be.
While the first day wasn’t too bad- most likely because i’ve had the tablet in my system- with teh tablet moving out of the system it has really knocked me around a bit and therefore I’ve had to reboot and go back onto the medicine.
I suppose it could be a lot lot worse truth be told.
I am looking at this more as a pause and not a setback- I mean after all when you become reliant on the meidince of course it’s going to mask things (as my GP did suggest).
So hopefully this won’t be for too long and I’ll be back to normal soon