So I’m writing this in the middle of my second round of salt therapy treatment- my first was this morning and I absolutely loved the shit out of it!

So what is salt therapy treatment you ask?

Well, I’ll do my best to describe it. Basically you enter a sealed chamber (see attached videos photos), and you get to relax in said chamber that has salt covered floors, comfy chairs to recline in and salt air also pumping out through vents from the top of the room.

Now this session they’ve dimmed the lights even darker then the last one so I’m hoping I don’t fall off to sleep- I read a magazine or two in the last session, before being it as an enforced disconnection time and mostly did so (apart from the other people whose phones kept pinging). At least this session there’s only one other and we’re both in a state of relaxed contentment, sitting with our thoughts and zoning out.

Soon after this will be the twilight hot springs and I’ve been told it looks to be a quiet session.

AuthorRobbie Newell