So it’s been a while since I’ve posted an update, so I suppose I better provide one.
The last few weeks have been…. interesting, if nothing else. As one might imagine, the problem with a chronic illness like Meniere's Disease is more two fold then just one thing:
Mentally its draining because it’s a vicious cycle of doing good, then bad, then good again
As it’s related to the brain, it’s a hard disease to “handle” as there is a lot of unknown.
As you would know, the last couple of months- hell who am I kidding it’s been since July(!)- has been a slug as there was a lot of time I couldnt’ leave my bed due to having no balance, but conversly since that horrible period, while I am not back to the best I can be there has been more good days then bad (yay me!)
The worst part is regaining the confidence to do things again without a “safety net”. Sure I have medicne to help in the event of an attack, but it still comes tdown to confidence to be positive and go “she’ll be right mate”
You know what?
Let’s flip this shit on its head!
I am having more good days then bad days- I will forever be grateful of that.
I achieved taking part in the 3km walk part of the Nike Melbourne Marathon- I was determined to do it and afterwards my wonderful osteo even admitted that two months prior to that (so August) he didn’t think I was going to be able to do it!
Mind over matter- I remember thinking around July/August time (so during the time when it was the worst that I was going to achieve it- I was hungry to achieve it and get on the turf of the ‘G!
I am slowly returning to the gym- I have joined a local fitness centre for ease and I feel quite confident after just one small session back.
After getting a second opinion from a GP, I am doign the best that I can do all things considered and I am looking for things to help my “recovery”.
I can’t think of anything else LOL
So all things considered I think I’m doing ok. I’m annoyed I couldnt go to my friends place for his son’s first birthday but I am sure there’s many more of those in the future.