I think it’s fair to say that I think we all have our own set of powers in some way- sadly they may not be like Batman st al but I like to think that we all do.
For me, I think my super power is the ability to see the bigger picture and forgive wrongs of the past.
I won’t lie- in the last few months it has been a lot harder then normal because of the crap going in the World blah blah blah.
I encountered someone the other day who I used to be quite close with and they gave me a brief update of their life. And I won’t lie my heart literally broke for them. And then I decided let’s reach out and touch base again.
Life is ugly sometimes no doubt, but why make it any harder then what it is? I’m not religious at all but the tenants at the core- that is forgiveness, love and help others- is something that should be embraced universally.