So here we go again!

In a little over an hour (local time) Melbourne and the state of Victoria will be going into yet another lockdown- Lockdown 4.0

As of writing of this post, the current cases in Melbourne/Victoria is 34- not a “huge” number but not insignificant amount either.

I think it’s safe to say that most people here- and to be perfectly frank all over the word- are in somewhat of a fugue state when it comes to Covid-19 and the endless cycle of “eradication” and/or suppression, followed by the reemergence of locally transmitted cases and then the somewhat inevitable usage of “circuit breaker” style lockdowns.

Personally, I’m at the stage I really don’t much care one way or the other- if nothing else the last year has taught me some harsh truths about society and people in my circle who I thought were friends and how people change based on their circumstances and/or peoples influences on them.

I know I’ve said this before but I really will start documenting my thoughts on here more; after all it’s a healthy outlet. Combined with escaping more to the world of fiction and the idealistic worlds that they represent, I’ll get through this.

AuthorRobbie Newell