
So I'm onto my last week of annual leave; well less actually as I go back this Sunday (23rd December) and man hasn't that come around fast? 

I mean the three weeks in London went by like no tomorrow so should I really ne surprised? I mean after all the more fun you have, the faster it seems to go. 

But it's not all doom and gloom. I mean look at what's happened since I returned- I had a very productive lunch with a good friend, I've gotten back into the swing of things at the gym (first session did suck though!), managed to get over the jet leh quickly,  tried cryo therapy with a buddy and doing a few day trips.

Hell,  as I'm writing this I'm on a train to Port Fairy because why not? Yesterday I did Leongatha and that was enjoyable. 

At least on Thursday I'll be doing lunch with another awesome person so I'm pleased that I'm pacing my last week of annual leave- and on Saturday night it's off to see the Alien and Aliens double feature at IMAX Melbourne.  

AuthorRobbie Newell