One of my passions in life is sports. Regardless of the type I LOVE it- so as you can imagine I am very particular when I come across books- both fiction and non fiction- which features both sports but with a queer taste to it.

I'm not knowledgeable on football (hell when I say football I am usually meaning AFL!); but I was aware of the out football player Robbie Rogers; so when I came upon the fact that he had written an auto biography, I knew I was going to read it- it was just a matter of when! 



The appropriately titled Coming Out to Play was a very enjoyable read at all times; it was only after reading it and reflecting on it that I wanted to cry my eyes out at both Rogers' struggle with his sexuality; but the fact that when he accepted himself, he became "whole"- as cliched as this sounds; it's a fairly common feeling in the queer community after coming out.

As the LGTBI community becomes more visible and more accepted into the wider community; its stories like "Obbie Ogers" that needs to be told and shared; for every next door neighbour or friend of ours that are queer, it's also the visibility of high profile people sharing their experience that not only compliments Joe Blogs thoughts that "oh; them gays are alright fellows", but also shows to teenagers- well frankly anyone- that whatever path you choose to go down, people will still love you for who you are!

What also needs to be said about this auto-biography is that Rogers' passion for football really show. From childhood he was a lad crazy about football and a lot of other sports and to this day he still is.

If you want a read that is about passion, identity and loving oneself, this is a auto-bio I highly recommend for you.


Rating: 4.5 stars

AuthorRobbie Newell