So I've decided (over the next few posts) to take inspiration from a good friend and I'm going to create a set of goals/aims that I want to achieve.

Ideally I would also post a time frame to achieve theme in- and I'll try- but at the meantime it's an opportunity to collate my thoughts and goals into one location. And by positing it it'll be online forever to haunt me (like all those sex tapes and full frontal pictures of famous people!)

So here goes nothing

Part 1

  1. To move into another job/company. At this stage, while I generally do enjoy my job it really is annoying me at how frustrating management is, not to mention the unbelievable racism and workplace bullying going on there. And don't even get me started on our so called "union delegate"! So what do I want to go? Well I would like to stay in retail as it is enjoyable, but also maybe the law industry would be OK (as I've trained as a paralegal). I suppose you could call this goal my "sliding doors moment"- which path shall I go down?
  2. Go bungee jumping. I'm not a thrill seeker per se, but bungee jumping just looks totally awesome and an adrenaline rush.
  3. Network more. To be fair though I'm sort of achieving this at the moment; having joined a networking group and attending an event tonight (15th May); which is part of the Law Week celebrations (and thus overlapping with point 1 quite nicely.) While nothing could happen; you never know unless you try and I shall continue to try!
I'm keeping this post short, but I'll continue to add to it later.
AuthorRobbie Newell