Just a quick post to say that in a little over two months time; The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, is due for cinema release in Australia and I can honestly say I'm excited (but I assure you that I'm not Big Kev!)

After having reading the novel countless times I'm looking forward to see how they adapt this novel into the big screen. I saw The Hunger Games and then read the book afterwards so it was easy to contrast the differences. However, going into Catching Fire it's possible that I may have to contain myself (and no doubt other fans may need to) with our expectations on how we visualise the scenes in our mind, as well as how we already expect new characters to be, for example Finnick Odair.

I shall leave you with two opposing sayings from the series that are both quite lovely to both read and write from a writers perspective.

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour!"- Effie Trinket; the slightly nutty but also sweet(ish) District 12 escort.

Compare this with the following spoken by our beloved heroine Catnip Everdeen

“Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!” 
AuthorRobbie Newell