Well, I just received a massive bombshell from my best friend today and I'm still in shock.

They've announced that they're going to be moving up to Gold Coast at the end of August. I knew it was coming, but frankly I have never experienced being shell shocked before in my life. It's a cliche to say that one could feel their jaw drop and find it hard to recover, but I did.

I've given the impression that it's all about me but it isn't. I mean I could lie and say I understand why they are moving but that's both an insult to everyone and most importantly our friendship and frankly that's one thing i will not do. The main thrust really is they need to be happy and if circumstances in this "fair" city of Melbourne isn't conductive of it, then by all means I am happy that they are moving.

It's really hard to say how I feel about it; I am totally happy for them and their partner. I suppose the biggest question this raises is how does one cope with bombshells of any kind? For me, it feels like I've been hit with two in as many days and while I thankfully am nearly over the first one (again, thankfully without the need to hit the prescription drugs so yay go me!!!), this one will be interesting to see how I cope with.

Is there such thing as the best way of coping with bombshells?
AuthorRobbie Newell