Movie Poster

I sadly have to admit I'm a late convert to this new Batman movie franchise, but I'm thankful I was afforded the opportunity to see all 3 of them on the big screen in a row. And all I could keep thinking was "Best! Movie! Franchise! Ever!"

I also have to admit liking the Batman movies of the 80s/90s- I mean yes the George Clooney one was a tad iffy but it was still an enjoyable movie. And yes compared with this trilogy; hell this movie alone; you can see how outdated the previous movies are, but 13 years is a long time and this movie is the start of a new journey, one that cannot be compared to the old one, but rather just admired and respected for a differing direction.

Directed by Christopher Nolan; the first thing noticeable about the movie is the tone and and direction this movie takes. You could tell from the instant the movie starts that it was going to be "gritty" for a lack of a better word and this movie doesn't disappoint. Another noticeable thing  is that apart from the opening studio logo; there is no opening credits.

The most important thing to note about this movie is the casting. Nolan has chosen an impeccable cast with Christian Bale, Katie Holmes (though her role was recast for

The Dark Knight

), Gary Oldman, Cilian Murphy in leading roles for this movie and all are perfect.

AuthorRobbie Newell