So even though my 30th isn’t untill the end of March (the 29th), my party is in a few days so I’ve decided to write a fw words (even if it’s at 0500 in the morning!)

I'm not one to really give two hoots about age and getting older; after all it’s not like any of us get out of this alive is it? All we can do is really make the most of our time on this planet and be the best we can do. 

For me, the last few years have found me on the right track (boom tish!) I’ve finally managed to enter the industry I’ve aimed for for a very long time and I’m plodding along at a steady pace, all while aiming to get where I want to (I won’t say what as I don’t want to jinx it but if you ask me face to face I’ll tell you- putting it online would make it all too real!)

While my career is going great guns, I’m pondering about my personal life. For me my friends are my family and I’ve been lucky enough to have found two friends who really are my brothers; hell everyone in my company agrees with me about one! And that’s ok; after all as an individual I thrive (for a lack of a better word) on people who can help me become a better person and my two brothers do this; they accept me for who I am and challenge me to be better and I know they are there for me when times get tough as I am for them. 

The rest of the people in my life I also truly love; after all I believe we meet people for a reason and we should encourage each other to be the best we can be and to be more loving and helpful to one another; there’s too much bullshit in the world and hate and who has time for that? 

I know I don’t!

As for my love life- meh. It’s certainly not what I thought it would be that’s for certain. And sometimes yes I long for a deeper connection with someone; this I cannot nor will not deny. 

But I am what I am and that’s ok. Life is messy and ugly and unexpected and we are along for the ride; the best we can do is accept what we can change and aim to make a difference to peoples lives no matter how small or big; after all a simple smile, a gesture or a compliment can go a long way. 


So I guess turning 30 for me is just another day in my life; my party will be small but intimate and the people going are all people that hold a special meaning to me.


And to my two brothers, thank you! 


AuthorRobbie Newell

So I haven't posted in a while so I thought (yeah, yeah I know I've said this before!) I'll try to get back into the swing of things.

I wanted to put down a few words about an experience I had last year.

My dream job finally got advertised and to cut a long story short; I didn't get it nor even an interview. This despite (both in my mind and friends who work for the company) thinking and saying to me I would be the perfect person for the position.

Anyway; it got me thinking as to how we deal with disappointment and how life doesn't go according to our grand plans. Now first thing I will have to say is that while I was disappointed that I didn't get the job, I realised that I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be.

Yes; I was slightly pissed for a day or two after the news, but then I got some perspective. Maybe it had to do with my good friend pointing out to me the job would have been late shifts and/or overnight shifts (god help me!); or maybe it was just me maturing as a person; but it wasn't as heartbreaking as I thought it would be.


Quite possibly it's because I still am employed and despite the politics and some of the bullshit going on there; complaining about not getting my dream job is a first world problem. I mean, I'm employed in an essentially full time job doing a position that on a whole I quite enjoy doing. Compare this with the many millions of others in the world that's homeless, destitute or needing a helping hand while society ignores them as if they don't exist.

Perspective isn't it?

Anyway, what got me thinking about it was this link that I saw on the Huffington Post. While not directly related; it's to do with the stigma of doing things alone. 

It's well worth a read and pondering about. 

Take care everyone!



AuthorRobbie Newell